Research 1

Research 1

The skills students develop in the three Research courses significantly contribute to acquiring and demonstrating professional conduct and attitude: namely, the ability to use research capabilities to improve MFL education. It is essential that professional teachers are able to correctly interpret and use data, conduct methodologically sound research, and actively do their part in advancing the practices of their field.

What is specific for Research 1?

For the first research course, students will be presenting their literature findings and data interpretation in the form of a video blog (vlog). While developing your research competency, the use of these innovative presentation approaches will enable them to focus on the development of their digital skills, as well as both their academic writing and speaking skills. 

The goal is to introduce students to and further develop their research skills to encourage curiosity, and to provide them with the tools to develop an implementable product at the end of their four-year journey as an educational student researcher. The course is therefore the first step taken toward developing their investigative abilities for future educational innovation and improvement. Research 1 and 2 will introduce them to the first of several steps which will eventually lead them to the design of an educational product for their future internship school (Research 3). 

The elements students will be introduced to during their first research course:                                                                          

  • Orientation (Finding a topic of interest – a current educational issue). 
  • Formulating a research question to guide your investigation.
  • Conducting and writing a literature review.
  • Interpreting existing data (related to your topic of interest).
  • Presenting your findings and possible solutions (e.g. product). 

What is assessed in Research 1?

Research 1 is completed with the submission of a Vlog. You can find details in the Research 1 Assignment Guide.

Students will be assessed according to the Assessment form.