Nathan Lourents about his study-related side job

Nathan Lourents about his study-related side job

Nathan Lourents, 22, is in his second year of the international study Creative Business. Nathan was born in Curaçao and came to Utrecht for his studies. He is also busy building up his resume by working a study-related side job.

I work at HUwerkbijjestudie in the Events team. We often present at events such as job fairs, where our team decides whether we want to participate and determines what we need based on certain aspects. Sometimes we need to give a presentation or create new PR materials. Our goal at these events is to raise awareness among students and companies.

I actually got my current job through one of HUwerkbijjestudie’s events. They were there to take LinkedIn photos, and I started talking to the student workers who were already working there. They told me they were looking for new colleagues, and I happened to be looking for a job. I gave them my email address, got an interview, and now I’m here. I really didn’t expect to find a job this way, as I had been searching for a long time. I was initially looking for something more in the direction of marketing, but mostly something flexible. Before this, I worked at Jumbo and Coolblue, but I was looking for something that better matched my studies.

My studies and work are very similar. The skills I have learned in Creative Business, such as working in a group and improving processes, are very useful in my job. I especially appreciate the flexibility and teamwork at HUwerkbijjestudie. My interest in event management has also grown as I gained more experience.

For international students looking for a job, I have some advice. Look for a job that you enjoy and that suits you well. Language barriers can be challenging, especially in sectors like marketing. However, I encourage you to persevere and keep looking for opportunities. HUwerkbijjestudie also offers jobs for international students, which is a great chance for those who do not yet speak Dutch.’

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