Wednesday, March 8, is International Women’s Day 2023. The Diversity & Inclusion Network organizes an annual meeting on this day to celebrate Women’s Day and to discuss where we stand, where we want to go, and what is needed to achieve that. For the third edition, our theme is: “Safety at work and in the classroom”.

In the past decade, more and more courageous women around the world are coming forward after being put in unsafe situations. Think about #metoo and The Voice, for example. Do women feel safe at HU? How do we deal with transgressive behavior? What is needed to promote the safety of women at HU?

Through a performance by Het Theater Beweging and a panel discussion, we would like to come together to engage in dialogue with each other. The panel consists of Naznin Musa, a student of Commercial Economics at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, winner of the Echo Award 2022, Dr. Andrea Donker, lector of Knowledge Analysis Social Safety at the Knowledge Center Social Innovation, Lisa Sanders, the project leader of Social Safety, the National Prevention Agreement and the Utrecht Introduction Time and Elise Nauta, who after having been director of the Institute Social Work for 7 years has been the director Human Capital of the Hogeschool Utrecht since October 2022. The panel will be led by our Diversity Officer, Elena Valbusa.

The program
Guided by the host of the day Niusha Froozesh, a Communication student and member of the Diversity & Inclusion network, we have the following program ready for you.

14:45 Walk-in
15:00 Opening
15:05 Performance of The Theatre Movement
15:50 Break
16:00 The panel discussion
17:00 Refreshments

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 2:45 to 5:30 p.m. at Padualaan 99-0.118.

Click here to sign up!

We look forward to working together to create a safer working and learning environment within the HU.

Diversity & Inclusion Network

During this meeting, a confidant will be present in case you feel like having a confidential talk. Do you need additional support to attend this meeting, or do you have another question? Please email:

Wed 8 Mar 2023
15:00 - 17:30