Monthly theme: women in the lead

Monthly theme: women in the lead

As the month of March has started, it is a reminder to celebrate Women’s History Month and recognize the accomplishments of women throughout history. Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate the tremendous achievements of women and the progress that has been made in the fight for gender equality.

Women’s History Month began in 1981 as “Women’s History Week”, and after a few years, it was expanded to the month of March. It was established to remind us of the important role that women have played in history and society. Women have faced challenges, obstacles, and discrimination throughout history and this month is a time to recognize the individuals who have fought for women’s rights, equality, and recognition.

In a world that is often dominated by male voices, it is important to shine a light on the women who are making a difference in their respective fields. Women have long been marginalized and overlooked in many aspects of life, from their representation in the workplace to their influence in politics and beyond. But in recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women and making sure that their voices are heard.

There are many reasons why it is essential to shine a light on women in positions of leadership. For starters, it is a matter of representation. Women have historically been underrepresented in positions of power, and this lack of visibility has made it difficult for them to make their mark and influence decisions that affect the lives of others. When women are given a platform to speak and be heard, it sends a powerful message that they are capable of making a difference and are to be taken seriously.

In addition to representation, it is important to shine a light on women in leadership roles because it helps to dispel the myth that women are not capable of handling positions of power. This is especially true in traditionally male-dominated fields, such as politics and business. By highlighting the successes of women in these fields, it serves.

Therefore, we have chosen: Women in the lead as our theme for this month. Both shining light on women in history for their great accomplishments and women in the present time who are inspiring us all.

Let us know which women inspire you by contacting us!

Blankenship, A. (2021, March 2). Why It’s Important to Shine a Light on Women in Leadership. Forbes.


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Niusha Froozesh