Everyone can be themselves at the HU!

Everyone can be themselves at the HU!

What does that actually mean, being able and allowed to be yourself? While some of us don’t care about this, there are still others who do this on a daily basis. And so is Beau Geraeds, a journalism student and transgender.

All-gender toilets

Together with Finn Nanda, member of the GSA: Gender and Sexuality Alliance of Hogeschool Utrecht., Beau has worked hard to realize all-gender toilets. Thanks to them, every HU building is now equipped with one toilet block with an all-gender toilet. In an interview with HUOntwikkelt , Finn says that there is no need for more such toilets because it is about accessibility and inclusion for everyone. There are also people with a religious conviction, upbringing or background who are therefore not allowed or unwilling to use mixed spaces.

Elena Valbusa, Diversity Officer of the HU, added a valid point to the interview.

“Not everyone understands the need for this change. But just because you don’t think it’s necessary doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t need it.”

ECIO Frank Award 2021

With this initiative, Beau won the ECIO Frank Award in 2021 for his commitment to more inclusive education. As a transgender, Beau knows all about how important it is for students to feel safe at school. According to him, an inclusive school is a place where everyone can be themselves without being judged. And so he decided to spend the prize money of one thousand euros on making a short film with a powerful message.

Would you like to read more about the Beau Geraeds initiative? Then visit the article via   HUOntwikkelt!

