Samantha resigns from PowerPlatform

Samantha resigns from PowerPlatform

"I was once asked if I wanted to do something for students. I said yes and heard nothing about it for a long time. Until more than a year after, I received an email with an invitation to PowerPlatform"

Samantha van der Rijst

What is Power Platform?

PowerPlatform is an advisory ground within the HU and consists of a group of enthusiastic students, who often need support themselves. They are committed to helping their fellow students realize these needs for everyone and make education more inclusive. Twice a year, they meet with the Executive Board to discuss various issues in order to make education more inclusive.

What are you proud of?

After more than four years at PowerPlatform, of which three years on the board, Samantha will step down as chairman.

For the past three years, she has done everything she can to keep PowerPlatform alive. It went not well for a while. She took her role as chairman very seriously and then took on many tasks, which means that she can now proudly say that PowerPlatform still exists. It is starting to take shape, and she also has a clear vision for PowerPlatform:

"In education, I would like to see support needs no longer central, so that education is designed in a way that everyone can follow education. That also means that we need to stop studying nominally, so complete your HBO education in 4 years. Every student should be able to determine for himself, what his learning path is and how long it takes to complete it. Without this causing problems and that the facilities are there to set your own pace."

Why are you stepping down as chairman?

When asked why she is stepping down, she answers that next year she will do her graduation internship, graduate from her study Dutch sign language teacher and start at the Pabo. In addition, she has been chairperson for three years, and she grants other students this opportunity to gain a wonderful and instructive experience.

"I have learned what my own limits are. In the beginning, I did not know them that well, and during this process I ran into it several times, in a positive and negative way. I now know very well what I want."

She will, however, remain involved with PowerPlatform because this is where her heart lies and she cannot just let it go. She will also hand over the board with confidence.

What have you achieved with PowerPlatform?

Deans regularly tell them that PowerPlatform is very valuable. The small things they change within HU already make a big difference for students with support needs, but this also ensures that it gets better for all students.

For example, on Heidelberglaan 15, you have heavy doors to the elevator. These are difficult to open for students with a muscle disease, reduced energy or someone in a wheelchair.

Thanks to PowerPlatform, now this door can be opened with a button.

"Every small pebble in the water creates a wave, and all those small waves create a big wave. And PowerPlatform will continue to throw those little pebbles into the lake."

Currently, Samantha is busy handing over her board position and organizing the information meeting. This is the main activity PowerPlatform organizes and takes place twice a year in August. There will be various speakers who will offer support options within the HU, such as deans, the library, student psychologists, but also students who use support options themselves.

"Even though we can only help one student with it, that student still has an easy route through his studies. That's what we do it for."


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