Call in advance

Call in advance

First Contact

The most important step is sending in the application; writing a letter and creating a resume. But many companies also appreciate a call in advance. There is a phone number in almost every job application. Calling will give you more information, and it makes sure that you stand out during the application procedure.

The talk

Check who you are talking to. A receptionist might put you through to human resources or the department where you would like to intern. If you have been put through to the right person, always ask if your call is convenient. If not, ask when it would be best to call again. Make sure they hear your name right.

What do you need to ask?

Do not just call to call, but prepare some questions and make sure you look interested. You can think about the following questions:

  • Ask if the vacancy hasn’t been filled yet, or if there are internships available.
  • Ask about the activities (if those aren’t clear from the advert): Can you tell us something about…
  • Ask about qualities: What qualities are important when it comes to carrying out the tasks at hand.

Do not ask questions you can find the answers to on the website or in the advert. And specific questions about lunch breaks, salary and so on are better kept until you are invited for a personal meeting.

Example of a telephone call

Hello, this is … from the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. I was wondering if there are any options for an internship within your organisation. Am I calling you at a convenient time?

– No: Would it be better if I called you back in an hour?

– Yes: I am a third year student (name study program), and would love to intern at your organisation/company/institute/school.