Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

In a resume, you give a short summary of your education, working experience, skills/languages, and secondary activities. Put these in chronological order with a short description of what you have done exactly.

Under education, you can mention a minor, a project, or the most important subjects.

Working experience
For working experience, you can start to look for qualities that are also important for the job you are applying for. If you have worked as a babysitter, you should mention that you have learned to be flexible or structured, or learned how to deal with children. If you worked at a supermarket, you might have learned to focus on the customer. You can emphasize your strong suits. It is also smart to indicate your exact responsibilities for former jobs.

Secondary activities
Are you part of a committee or association during your studies? You should mention this under secondary activities.

Writing tips & examples

Your resume is extremely important. People often look at your resume first, and only later at your motivation letter. The most important tips for your resume are:

  • Keep your resume short – 2 A4 sheets at the most
  • Make your resume clear
  • Ask for feedback before you send out your resume
  • Add a picture, make sure that it says what you want to say.
  • Make sure that your resume matches your LinkedIn profile and other public social media profiles

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