Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter

A good motivation letter is very important. You are not the only one applying for that cool internship. The quality of your letter can make the difference. So you have to make sure that your motivation letter looks professional.

Layout letter

Put your own name and address top right. On the left, you put the name of your organisation, contact person, and address data. Below, you’ll mention the place, date, and subject of the letter. For example: open application marketing internship.

The letter consists of approximately 3 paragraphs:

Paragraph 1:
In the first paragraph, you tell that you are looking for an internship or are responding to a specific job opening.

Paragraph 2:
In the second paragraph, you tell why you are suitable for the internship. You can tell something about your education, qualities, skills, knowledge, and possible work experience.

Paragraph 3:
In the third paragraph, you tell why you want to intern at this specific organisation, and you end your letter. You can for example say that you want to explain everything during a personal meeting.

Are you about to write a motivation letter? Please first read this syllabus for more tips and tricks. This will also include a few examples.

Sending the letter

Always read the letter before sending it. And ask others for feedback.

Are you writing a letter in English? Check out these examples:

Motivational Letter ENG example 1

Motivational letter ENG example 2