The job interview

The job interview

Many people are nervous prior to an interview. That is not necessary. You should see it as a chance to find out if the internship is what you expected. During the interview, you must also show that you are a suitable candidate for the internship, by emphasising your qualities and competences. You can use the STAR method for this, which will help you to illustrate your point in a structured, compact way.

The steps of the STAR method are:

  • Situation
    What is the situation? What should happen?
  • Task
    What is your task? What is expected of you, or what do you want to achieve?
  • Action
    What action(s) do you take? How do you handle this? What qualities or competences will You Use? What knowledge do You need?
  • Result
    What will be the result of your action(s)?Below, you will find an example following the STAR method:

“I will give you an example that shows that I am working well with others.”

  • Situation: During my study, we had to work in groups a lot. Last semester, we were given the group assignment X, and I was in a group in which two out of five students did not agree with the approach, and refused to cooperate.
  • Task: I thought it was my task to make sure that everyone was happy about the approach, so that everyone would feel involved with the project.
  • Action: I suggested to start over and to brainstorm about the best approach.
  • Result: In the end, we used two methods that we combined. The result was that everyone felt heard, and everyone supported the new approach. The collaboration went great after that.

A good preparation is half of the work

Always prepare for a meeting. Read about the company and their products or services. Think about questions they might ask you and prepare an answer. A few of the questions that are used often are:

  • Why are you interested in this internship?
  • What appeals to you in this internship?
  • Why do you want to intern/graduate at this organisation?
  • Why are you the right candidate for this internship?
  • Describe yourself.
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • What are your ambitions?
  • What are your strong suits?
  • What are your worst characteristics?
  • What have you done that you are proud of?
  • What was your favourite subject and why?
  • What are your hobbies or interests?

Learn more about job interviews? Check out these videos:

Interview Do’s and Dont’s

Body Language That Gets The Job

Job interview; a good example:

How To Prepare For a Job Interview:

Do’s Dont’s for a job interview:

Job interview tips: the STAR method: