Internship abroad

If you want to intern abroad, you should check out the requirements of your study program first. After that, go through the same roadmap as you would for an internship in the Netherlands.

International Office

The International Office is the central department at HU facilitating internationalization for all students and staff. International information can also be found on the site Go International

If you know which country you want to go to, you can also use an internship mediation agency. You often have to pay for this, so be sure to do your research before you start working with them. If your internship or graduation supervisor approves your internship or graduate position, you should register with the International Office. They can tell you all about scholarships and practical matters.

This case-page provides you with all the necessary information concerning study abroad. On this page you can find all required information on relevant topics such as the Going Abroad Fair, requirements for going abroad, partner universities and grants.

Applying in English

If you are applying abroad, your motivation letter and resume must often be written in English. Read all the tips and tricks here, and check out a few examples.

Also check out the examples of resumes in other languages:

Resume example English

Resume example French

Resume example German

Resume example Spanish

More information

You can find a lot of information online, about internships abroad. The website offers a lot of information.The same applies to

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