

Be sure to make a professional impression. Read the tips and tricks for a great LinkedIn profile:

1. Present yourself

Be visible, and present yourself in a good way. You can present yourself when it comes to education, working experience, or secondary activities. There is also room for your characteristics and competences. Be aware of what terms you use, since these are also the search strings in the system. That way, organisations or recruiters can easily find you, or you will be sent job openings that match your profile automatically.

Make sure you make a professional impression. Click here for tips and tricks for a Linkedin profile.

Video: LinkedIn profile for students - top 5 to do's

2. Networking

LinkedIn is very suitable for networking. Make sure you connect with as many people as you know. You can place an advert that you are looking for an internship, you never know what may come of it.

3. Searching

LinkedIn is also a job bank. You can easily search for job openings and even will get an overview of the job openings that match your profile. So it is very important that your profile is correct.