Open application

Open application

Open application means that you do not respond to a job opening, but that you write a letter on your own initiative. That is the way to go if you really want to work at a specific organisation. Or if you have set your eyes on a specific job, without there being a job opening.


Are you ambivalent about the usefulness of an open application? You shouldn’t be! There are a couple of benefits for both the organisation and you:

  • No application rounds: the organisation does not have to pay money for advertising job openings and planning application interviews.
  • No competition: if there are no job openings, fewer people will apply for this function/at this organisation. So your chances increase.
  • You stand out: you are not one of the many application letters. With an open application, you stand out.
  • Motivation: by sending an open application, you show initiative, and thereby motivation. And organisations like to have motivated interns.

Are you still hesitant? You can always call to ask if there are opportunities.