In a short workshop, everyone will first receive information on gender and sexuality. We will then explore what topics, cases and issues are involved in this area. Afterwards, we will discuss these topics with each other, what being queer means and how it affects teaching and learning. How do I make the university of applied sciences safer and more accessible for everyone? How do I deal with discrimination I experience or see happening? Why is it important to talk about gender and sexuality and how do I do it? Together, we want to arrive at solutions to (learn to) be more inclusive for the queer community at our university of applied sciences.

Jochem Snikkers (he/him, they/them), Jessie van Sambeek (she/her) en Arin Borgdorff (they/their) – GSA-HU

Goed om te weten

do 11 apr 2024
14:45 - 15:45
USP 10