Research 3

Research 3

The skills you develop in the three Research courses greatly contribute to you acquiring and demonstrating your professional conduct and attitude: namely, the ability to use your research capabilities to improve MFL-education. It is essential that professional teachers are able to correctly interpret and use data, conduct methodologically sound research, and actively do their part in advancing the practices of their field.

What is specific for Research 3?

It must be subject-related, combining both kinds of data collection, and the product must be implemented and then evaluated with additional data collection and analysis.

The elements students will be introduced to in Research 3 (Learning outcome P2, level 3): 

  • Presenting the research steps from Research 1 and 2
  • Designing criteria and a useable product based on their research
  • Implementing and evaluating the designed product
  • Reflecting on it
  • Writing a coherent academic report and reference literature according to the APA guidelines

What is assessed in Research 3?

In the Research 3 course, students design a product that can be used at your school. It can take a variety of forms: original teaching material, a collection or adaptation of existing material with a special focus, a game, a visual aid, a set of activities, etc. Most importantly, every product will be based on information from a literature review as well as results from data gathered at the internship school. The latter is called school-based research (or action research) and it enables teachers to adopt the critical attitude necessary to take steps toward improving their educational practice. Students will also focus on academic writing. This style of writing may be very different from what you’re used to. It is important to come to an understanding of what constitutes good academic writing and the mistakes we should be keen to avoid.

You will find details in the Assessment form.