Student Info

Find the instructions required for distance education at HU.


Check out the short infographic below to see where you can find more information on remote learning.

Information Remote Learning


Now that we are all working online, it is important to take a good look at privacy regulations.

Your own responsibility

First of all, it is important to take responsibility as regards to the privacy of others. Keep in mind that taking screenshots or (video) recordings is prohibited, unless all participants in the call have given explicit permission.

Your rights

Apart from taking responsibility for other people’s privacy, it is also important to know what your rights as a student are. For instance, you are always allowed to refuse to enter your personal data in an external tool. Personal data are all information that can be used to identify you. For example, your name, your email address, or a picture of you. External tools are all applications, websites, and tool that are not directly linked to the HU.

  • You never have to create an account for a tool that is not directly linked to the HU. If a teacher asks you to do this, you are allowed to refuse signing up.
  • You never have to fill in your full and/or real name in an external tool. Only your first name or initials suffice, but you can also choose to use a fake name.
  • You are allowed to refuse to download an external app.
  • You never have to share images or videos of yourself, unless it is required to be able to do an assessment or exam online. This also means you are allowed to refuse for an online lesson to be recorded.


At the HU specific systems are used for specific levels of information or educational activities. This way, we can get the most out of our digital learning environment.

So what do you find where? And the other way around: which system fits which activity of informational need? Click on the diagram below for a useful overview!

what where


If you are having trouble with using MS Teams, or if you encounter technical issues, please contact the Central Service Desk. In this AskHU item you can find how to contact them.
