Working with MS Teams

How to partake in education at a distance? As a student, you were already familiar with the digital learning environment, but so far always combined with face to face contact. In this new situation, where to find you teachers and co-students? And how will your education continue from here?

Your own program will inform you on how your education will continue. On this page you can find general tips and information to help you partake in online classes!

Online classes via MS Teams

Where will classes continue, now face to face classes are cancelled? And in what shape or form? Your program will inform you on the details.

Many programs will use the video meetings in MS Teams for live contact between teachers and (groups of) students. For example to stream a lecture, or to host a seminar.

Recommended to download and install the MS Teams app on your laptop, tablet or smartphone to participate in these video meetings.

How can I take part in an online class in MS Teams?

Before class 

  1. Download the Microsoft Teams desktop app with help from this download instruction and log on with your HU account. 
  2. You will receive a link from your teacher (or it will be posted to your online learning environment). By clicking on this link, you can join the online class. 
  3. Make sure that you are all set on time, and that your internet connection is working well. In case your Wi-Fi is a bit slow, make sure no one else is using the internet (e.g. for streaming or downloading). 
  4. Make sure you remove anything from your background that may be inappropriate or personal. 

During class 

  1. Mute your own microphone, unless your teacher asks you to turn it on (e.g. to ask questions).
  2. Turn off your camera, unless your teacher asks you to turn it on.
  3. Use the chat feature to ask questions, unless your teacher tells you to ask questions in a different way. 
  4. Don’t take screenshots or pictures, or record video or audio. This is prohibited by privacy law.  

MS Teams: online collaboration tool for students

You probably have your own means for communication with your fellow students, outside of the HU systems. Yet, we do hear students ask for a more complete online collaboration environment, now the HU buildings are closed.

MS Teams is an online collaboration tool supported by HU. Use it to collaborate in an online environment with your fellow students. By using MS Teams, you can safely

  • organize video meetings
  • share files
  • edit files together with others (simultaneously or each at his own time)
  • chat
  • invite your teacher for an online learning team meeting