At the end of January (2022), twelve teams of fourth-year students of the Communication program presented the results of their conversations with fellow students about the themes of diversity and inclusion. An important conclusion was that the themes are considered important, but students are still not actively involved in them. In general, students feel safe inside and outside the HU.

However, if manners, facilities and forms of address exclude someone (unconsciously), the picture differs. Then people are personally affected and the feeling of safety and inclusivity is less. The advice was that it would help if these experiences could be shared more and more openly, it helps to raise awareness among those who do not come into contact with them and can lead to a more inclusive HU.

A tip was also given to involve students more actively in activities of the Diversity and Inclusion Network. The final presentation had a wealth of insights, gained for the Network D&I in the context of the new course ‘Designing and supervising stakeholder discussions’ within the Communication course. Realizing stakeholder engagement and inclusion are central to this course.

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