Communication for newsletter attention officers PL99/PL101

Communication for newsletter attention officers PL99/PL101

In order to increase the accessibility of the buildings, the HU has applied for and awarded a subsidy for the installation of automatic door openers on the first floor in the passage between Padualaan 99 and Padualaan 101.

These automatic door openers allow students and staff with physical or motor skills to limit:

1- Independent use of the passage on the first floor from building PL99 to building PL101.

2- Someone does not have to go outside first to go from building PL99 to PL101 if they want to move autonomously.

3- It saves time and energy to go from PL99 to PL101.

4- Is it easier to use the library.

In this way, we are one step further towards an inclusive and accessible HU and this also contributes to the well-being of students and staff.
