Ramadan 2022: This was the Iftar!

Thursday, April 21. was the day. In the context of Ramadan, more than 100 students and employees of the HU gathered to break the fast: Iftar. Inclusive conversations were also conducted.



The Network D&I and HU Home are the organizers of the Iftar.
Emre Cicek, promoter of the Network D&I, gave us a presentation about Ramadan. Before the Iftar, Emre was often asked: “I am not participating in Ramadan, can I come?” Of course, you can! It is about promoting connection and togetherness.
In the presentation, a small introduction was given to the fasting month: Ramadan. “The month of Ramadan is the month of fasting for Muslims, during which they abstain from food, drink and other lusts from dawn to dusk.” But not only fasting is important during Ramadan. Just as important is to go back to yourself for a while. Think of self-control, self-discipline, and hospitality. Of course, you don’t do this alone, Ramadan stimulates people’s togetherness.

Did you know that: The Muslims start their fast during Dawn (and not at sunrise)? Dawn is the period from twilight before sunrise.


Why Ramadan?

As mentioned earlier, Ramadan is not only about fasting but also about yourself. There are also benefits to participating in Ramadan. In this month you train your willpower. A whole day without food is difficult so you will have to control yourself to be able to sustain this. Many Muslims find this difficult during the first week, but they get into the rhythm after that. Another advantage is the interaction between people. The month of Ramadan is a month when families get together and take time for each other. Think of cooking together, eating together, and praying.
Of course, Ramadan is not all roses and moonshine. The disadvantages of Ramadan can be that you get irritated more quickly or get a headache. These factors make sense when you fast on the day. But don’t make Ramadan any less effective.

Did you know that: Ramadan is healthy? During fasting, the body changes in a positive sense. The blood level improves and you can lose weight.

Rumi Art Institute

During the walk-in of the event, there was room to learn Arabic Calligraphy. Rumi Art Institute was present for this. You were given a piece of paper with the Arabic alphabet and you could learn to write your name. In this way, everyone could get acquainted with the Arabic written language.

Did you know that: The Arabic language is written right to left (instead of left to right)


The attendance was very diverse. There were differences in students and staff, but also in ethnicity, gender and faith. So there was room for this. The vast majority did participate in Ramadan but some did not, this led to interesting conversations.
Everything had been thought of. Prayer rooms were available for those who wanted to pray. And to keep the diverse spirit alive, there were also two sign language interpreters, in this way everyone could follow the event.


Which holidays do you think should receive more attention within the HU? Let us know via info.di@hu.nl and maybe we’ll see each other soon at an event designed by you!


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