Green Office HU consists of a Green Team consisting of ten student-assistants and a Green Officer. There are three sub-teams with two or more students each. Each division team has its own focus area. The Green Team and the Green Officer also stimulate and support projects by employees and fellow students.
Green Officer
The Green Team is led by Green Officer Carlijn Wentink – Kroon. The Green Officer supports the Greenteam in activating, supervising and facilitating sustainability at Hogeschool Utrecht and has responsibility for the budget. The Green Officer falls hierarchically within the OO&S department. The teams report on their progress to the Green Officer. Carlijn can be reached via:
Communication and visibility
The communication and visibility sub-team is responsible for Green Office communication and PR. Via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, the newsletter and all other news channels, they will keep you informed of everything that Green Office HU does. This team is also responsible for the promotional materials and they maintain this website, if you come across something that is not right or if you have nice sustainable tips that need to be shared, you can always reach them via one of the above channels or via e-mail.
The communication and visibility team consists of Fanny de Vries, Merel Zoomers and Bart van Hedel They can be reached via:,,
Community and projects
The sharing team community and projects organizes activities on behalf of Green Office HU. They are creatively developing workshops and events for staff and students. For some, sustainability is a container concept, but this team knows how to make it personal. You can think of a clothing exchange, the well-known Green Cafés or one of the many projects that students want to tackle. If you have a sustainable idea yourself but you don’t know where to start, you can go to Sakura Win and Minh Hoang. They can be reached via,
Education and management
The HU Sustainable team links sustainability issues to education. You can think of the AISHE quality mark, a pet-free campaign, giving a sustainable touch to the tenders and discussions with training committees. They will be happy to talk to you about education and all your sustainable issues. The HU Sustainable team consists of Guil Stokbroeks and Lot Platteel. They can be reached via &