Green Office HU
Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision


Green Office HU is committed to embedding a sustainable future in the education and research of Hogeschool Utrecht, but also among HU staff and students. Green Office does this by informing, inspiring and activating people.


We strive for an educational community in which students and staff work together on a sustainable future in an economic, ecological and social sense, with the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals as a starting point. For more information, visit The Global Goals website.


Green Office HU offers a platform for students and staff to transfer information in the field of sustainability, to realize the HU’s own sustainability ambitions and to work together on sustainability


Green Office informs the HU about the theme of sustainability via social media, meetings, the website and oral communication.


Sustainability is an integral theme within the education and research of the HU and our own business operations. Green Office connects and gives access to sustainability networks. Moreover, Green Office stimulates the personal sustainable behavior of employees and students. The message is conveyed by everyone in the Green Office network.


Green Office activates employees and students to organize meetings and projects around the theme of sustainability. The Green Office also promotes its own sustainability agenda to activate students and employees in this way.

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