Membership of an (executive) committee

Being a member of an (executive) committee can be an extra challenge and you can gain additional experience. You can develop skills like networking, managing, organising and how to do presentations. It often involves the responsibility for an organisation, association or advisory board, in cooperation with other students. You usually take on these duties on a part-time basis, on top of your studies. It will certainly give your CV a boost and is fun to do at the same time!

The HU takes students’ opinions very seriously. Therefore, students have the possibility to gain managerial experience in education and student participation at the HU. For additional information, check out the website.

Would you like to dedicate time to improve sustainability on top of your studies? The Green Office is where it is at! Check the website (Dutch only) for vacancies.

Interested in gaining managerial experience outside the HU? Please find a list of Student Organisations operational in Utrecht, here (Dutch only).

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