Confidential counsellor

Have you experienced inappropriate behavior by a lecturer, student(s), support staff, or management employee but find it hard to address the issue? Do you feel hurt, intimidated or even threatened and you have no idea who to discuss this with? Set a meeting with the Confidential Counsellor. The Confidential Counsellor will listen to you and discuss how to proceed as well as explain how you could make the inappropriate behavior stop.

Examples of inappropriate behavior are bullying, verbal or sexual intimidation, aggression, discrimination and violation of integrity.

Everything you discuss with the Confidential Counsellor will remain confidential. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed. Reporting the incident quickly often results in finding a prompt solution to the inappropriate behavior and the consequences you are dealing with.

Email or phone for an appointment with one of the Confidential Counsellors. Check AskHU for more information and contact details.

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