Student Financial Support Fund

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht provides financial support to students who incur a study delay due to special circumstances. The scheme is described in the Regulations on the Student Financial Support Fund. Who is eligible for this support?

  1. Students who have incurred a study delay due to certain special circumstances during their WSF grant period can be enabled to complete or continue their studies as quickly as possible.
  2. Students who carry out recognized administrative activities within 12 months after the ending of their WSF grant period can be facilitated in this activity from the HU grant support fund and receive an administrative grant.
  3. Students who do not meet the nationality requirement (not originating from an EER country) but nonetheless resident in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg or one of the German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen may under certain conditions receive a knowledge grant.
  4. Students who combine a top-level sport with their studies may be entitled to various facilities (contact the top-level sport coordinator about this issue).
  5. Students who are in acute financial difficulties may possibly be entitled to the Emergency Fund.
  6. In certain cases students may be entitled to support under the scheme Board Activities Without Paying Fees. Students who are for instance actively involved in administrative or governance activities may receive financial assistance. This is a scheme under which students receive financial support for a maximum period of one year that they would also have received if they had been enrolled.

Application procedure

First of all read the relevant regulations of the Student Financial Support Fund. Then contact your student counsellor to get further information about starting a possible application procedure. You can complete the application form before your interview with the student counsellor.

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