Choosing a minor

Most Study Programmes include a so called ‘Profiling Space’during the 3rd or 4th year. Many students opt to do a minor during the profiling space: a coherent set of courses on a certain theme or domain which will help you increase your knowledge and improve your chances labour market. 

Choosing a minor course

Will you be registering for a minor? Check the website and find all the HU minors. You can also do a minor somewhere else, the so called Kies op Maat’ (Bespoke Selections, KOM) minors.

Other options to fill in your Profiling Space

There are alternatives to how you can use your Profiling Space, how much freedom of selection you are granted depends on the Study Programme. You can opt for a pre-master (Dutch only), a course to get you ready to do a master.  Or take on something completely different, if that is an option. Check the Study Guide to see when the profiling space is scheduled and the conditions you must meet. 

Study abroad

Would you like to study abroad? There are options and for some Study Programmes it is even required, to spend some time abroad either studying or on Work Placement; check out the possibilities.  The Study Guide and the Go International website can provide you with all the information you need.  AskHU helps you find information on the HU International Office. You can discuss the possibilities with your Institute’s Internationalisation Coordinator or your Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach. 

Need more help?

If you need help to decide on what to do during your profiling space, contact your Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach or Study Abroad Coordinator. For more help go to Choice Counselling, where you find online tools for choosing; or make an appointment with a Study Choice Counsellor for additional assistance.

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