Continue studying

Would you like to continue studying once you have graduated from the HU? Please bear the following considerations in mind when making a choice.

Master Programmes

After you graduated for your Bachelor, doing a Master is a logical next step. There are many master programmes to choose from, either academic or applied. The Applied Masters can be divided into a Master to move up or a Master for working professionals. Most Bachelor Graduates are not qualified to move on to an academic Master straight away but must do a pre-master. Sometimes you can do the pre-master during the profiling space (website dutch only) of your Bachelor course.

Sometimes it is better, or even required, to do an academic Bachelor instead of a pre-master before starting an academic Master. This may take a little longer but is less intensive and gives you more time to adjust to academic education.

The costs for masters vary a lot, take this into account when you are searching.

The student grant for Master Programmes depend on which Bachelor you did and how long it took you to graduate. For more information check the DUO website.

A Second Bachelor

If you decide to take on another Bachelor, you will become more diverse, professionally speaking, or develop in a different direction. Or perhaps you would like to take on a specific Academic Bachelor, to make it more easy to continue to do a Master.

It is very likely, when you take on a second Bachelor after graduation, this will be more expensive because the tuition fees the institute will charge are often higher than the regular, national tuition fees. This does not apply to second Bachelors in Education or Healthcare (as long as your first Bachelor is on a different topic), or if you start a second Bachelor when you are still working on your current Bachelor and continue with the second Bachelor without interruptions.

Questions on Continuing Your Studies?

The Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach will be able to help you out here. Need additional information? Go to the Study Choice Counselling Website. You can find online tools for Study choice or make an appointment with one of the Study Choice Counsellors.

Open Day

If you consider doing another course at the HU, visit the Open Day for fulltime Bachelors or Masters or the Open Evening (Dutch only) if you are interested in part-time Masters and short courses.
If you want to know when a Dutch institute for higher education has an Open Day scheduled, they are all listed here (Dutch only).

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