Help outside the HU

The HU supports all its students, even if the issues they encounter are personal in nature but reflect on their ability to study. Please check out the website study support and the pages: mental or physical impediments, special personal circumstances and study, or study delay.

Sometimes you will need a little more help. The links below may well provide you the extra information or help you need.

City Councils usually also offer support. Ask for it!

GP/Student Care Guide

How to find a GP

If you find accommodation in the city of Utrecht and therefore register as a citizen, then it is important to find a GP in Utrecht as well. We will give you three reasons why it makes sense to register with a GP in your new place of residence right away:

  • If you wait until you are not well, then it is quite inconvenient if you have to look for a GP before you can actually consult one.
  • Only a local GP will consider a house visit if so required!
  • There is an €85 fine if you visit a GP you are not registered with and the visit was not considered an emergency.


So do register with a local GP today if possible. Local means in the same city or village where you live and registered as a citizen.

For instance, if you live in Utrecht, it makes sense to find a GP who has a practice close by. Visit the ‘Huisartsen in Utrecht’ (GPs in Utrecht) website. When choosing a GP, it is good to know if the practice also has a ‘Praktijk-Ondersteuner Huisarts Geestelijke GezondheidsZorg’ (POH GGZ, Mental Health Support Assistant). The Mental Health Support Assistant can help out with stress, performance anxiety and depression without your having to pay because of insured liability.(eigen risico-own risk).

You can only call upon the out-of-office GP services and A&E (Accident and Emergency) in real emergencies. Medical issues which can wait until the next day must be assessed by a GP first. It is common practice to apply for a meeting to get acquainted, before you make your final choice.

The Student Care Guide can help you find what you need; there is a lot of different care available. For additional information visit:

General practice (GP) Galgenwaard in Utrecht has a website in English and receive many international students

Find more information about the healthcare and healthcare providers in the Netherlands at this website for internationals.

If you need an explanation on how Dutch National Health Care works please go here or to the helpdesk for expats, ‘Access’.

Neighbourhood Teams in Utrecht

Neighbourhood Teams Utrecht gives answers to questions and helps on topics like housing, finances and your local neighbourhood. The contact information on all the Neighbourhood Teams in Utrecht is also available here. For additional information go to the website: (Dutch only).

Mental Health Care Organisations

In and around Utrecht and Amersfoort you will find many organisations which can help with psychological issues. We listed a few organisations below where you can apply for critical, anonymous and specialist help as well as a few search engines which facilitate finding the right mental health care or psychologists.

  • iPsy: professional psychological help in English
  • Altrecht (Dutch only): Critical Psychiatric Assistance: Crisis Services (GGZ/psychiatrics). Helps people suffering from critical mental health issues. Available 24/7 (by telephone).
  • 113online (Dutch only) : Or call 0900-0113. Assistance for people with suicidal tendencies and/or the people around them.
  • Sensoor (Dutch only): De Luisterlijn (We Listen Line): A sympathetic ear/good conversation/advice in case of psychosocial problems or mental health issues. Available 24/7 (anonymous: by telephone, chat or email).
  • Mind Korrelatie (Dutch only): Professional, psychosocial help and advice. Office hours (anonymous: by telephone, chat or email).
  • Slachtofferhulp Nederland (Dutch only): Help and advice for victims of violence and accidents. Office hours (anonymous: by telephone, chat or email).
  • Moviera (Dutch only): Help, advice and emergency care for victims of domestic violence (telephone, online, email).
  • Interapy (Dutch only): Online therapy.
  • Jellinek: Addiction Treatment (alcohol, drugs, gambling, gaming). Utrecht/Amersfoort and surrounding area (telephone, online, email).
  • Jellinek Jeugd (Dutch only): Jellinek Addiction Treatment for young people up until 23 years of age. (telephone, online, email).
  • Studentenpsychologen Leiden (Dutch only): Tips and Tricks on how to study, practical and psychological (online).
  • Centrum seksueel geweld: anonymous assistance in case of sexual harassment.
  • MantelzorgNL (Dutch only): supports and gives information to carers.
  • LVVP psychologen (Dutch only): Landelijke Vereniging Vrijgevestigde Generalistische en Specialistische GGZ (National Society for General and Special Care) Search Engine (online)
  • Utrecht – The Wait Softener is a solution for people who are awaiting psychological help. Due to the long waiting lists, this help often takes too long, so there is a good chance that a situation will only worsen. The WaitSoftener ensures that you can already work on your recovery while waiting.

For more information on all kind of mental health issues also check the website of The Clay Centre.

IQ Coaches

So-called ‘life-wide’ guidance can be provided by independent coaches for students with autism or AD(H)D who experience problems in several areas in daily life. Life-wide guidance is often reimbursed via the Social Support Act. IQ coaches can also assist you with your Social Support Act application at the municipal office. For more information, please visit the site.

If you need some extra help

If you need some extra attention.

Are you not feeling well? Are you stuck in your studies? Do you want to make a new start with your studies, but you don’t know how?

Hopefully, you have already contacted your study career counselor or learning team coach. But maybe you need a little extra attention from someone who has enough time to listen to you. Someone who can give you extra support during a difficult period for you. In that case, in addition to your contacts with your study coach or learning team supervisor, you can call on a former HU lecturer. He has time for you and can support you with personal attention. These former lecturers like to remain involved with the HU and the HU students; they are all members of the association of former employees, Old Gold, and they have taken the initiative themselves from that association for this voluntary support of HU students. Could you really use such an extra support? Then ask your study career coach/learning team coach to register with Job Krijgsman. He is the contact person for this extra support from the Old Gold association. After registration, he will first invite you for an (online) intake interview and will look for a good match for you on that basis.


Sexual Assault Center

Sexual Assault Center

Welcome to the Sexual Assault Center. Were you recently sexually assaulted or raped? Do you need help or do you have questions? We can help and are here for you day and night. You can reach us by telephone 24 hours a day on 0800-0188.

Call this number and we will put you in touch with a centre nearby. It is important that you contact us as soon as possible after the assault or rape so that we can help you as best we can. Everything you discuss with us is treated confidentially.

CSG Engels

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