Study delay

It may well be the case that there are circumstances in your life which will make it harder for you to study. You would rather not be faced with a study delay; therefore, you must take the matter up immediately with your Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach. 

In cooperation with your Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach you can try to determine the cause and what you can do to prevent the possible study delay. Your Coach can explain what support the Study Programme can give you. The Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach can also help you draw up a good Study Plan, so you can catch up on any delay you already build up. 

The Student Counsellor 

Depending on the reasons, like if, for instance, functional limitations or special circumstances like illness, personal problems or mental health issues apply, the Study Career Coach/Team Learning Coach will also refer you to the Student Counsellor. 

You need to go to the Student Counsellor to apply for the arrangements you need to facilitate studying. Be on time, preferably before you fall behind on your studies. Should you receive a Negative Binding Study Advice, then it is important to be able to pinpoint the reason why you fell behind and have evidence you did everything you could to prevent this from happening. 

The Student Counsellor can also help you if you need to postpone paying your monthly tuition fee instalment or if you need additional financial support from the Student Financial Support Fund 

If you run into financial issues because of your study delay, please do discuss this with the Student Counsellor. You can go over the situation together and see what is needed to limit the consequences. 

Consequences of Study Delay 

In principle, you can take as long as you need to complete your studies, however there are financial consequences. 

Please note: in some cases the validity of study results may expire after six years. You can find the courses to which this applies in the most recent Study Guide. The validity of these results may be extended under certain conditions (please consult the EER and the most recent Study Guide). You will need to file a request with the Examination Board to extent results. 

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