Support by study and exams

The HU offers support for students with dyslexia, AD(H)D, autism, hearing impairment, and those who experience varying levels of ability in dealing with stresses, etc. With the support of a student counsellor, you may request special facilities or join specific training courses and support groups or apply for financial support.

Requesting facilities

Are you currently studying at the HU or will you soon be studying at the HU and would you like to apply for suitable facilities to support you during your studies? First, when you enrol via Studielink, you will be asked about any facilities you may require and you will be shown a link to some general information about the facilities provided at HU. In addition, you may also request a confidential discussion with your student counsellor to see which facilities are suitable for you.

However, you will need an official diagnosis to be eligible for these facilities. Examples of this are an official medical diagnosis or a dyslexia statement from a recognised institute or from your current psychologist. Please contact or call 088 4813322 from Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. to make an appointment.

Facilities for dyslexia


If you have dyslexia and wish to request additional facilities during exams, please notify us of this prior to beginning the coming academic year via The Student Counselling Office will then inform you about the procedure for applying for the necessary facilities.

Please note: Your application must be submitted no later than the end of week 3 of the first period (period A). This deadline is necessary for you to be able to make use of the required facilities during the first exam period. So please be on time with your request! A handy overview of facilities for dyslexia can be found here.

Starting your application

Mail your official dyslexia statement to, stating which of the standard facilities listed below you would require.

  • 33% extra testing time for theory tests;
  • Use of a HU laptop for reading and typing;
  • Use of ClaroRead text-to-speech software;

If you require facilities not mentioned here, please schedule an appointment with a student counsellor. This can be done by sending an email to or by calling 088 4813322 from Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m.

Follow-up application

As soon as your information has been received and the dyslexia statement has been approved, your application will be forwarded to the student counsellor with the request to support your application. You will then receive a step-by-step plan you must follow in order to submit the request yourself to the Examination Board via View this video to see how to submit your application via HUKAS:
You will be able to submit your application as soon as your HU account has been activated.

Support from the HU

Training sessions

The HU has training sessions for students, completely free of charge, to help them study to the best of their abilities despite their impairments. For additional information on what is available, check here. At the moment training sessions are offered in dutch only.

Support groups

Looking for more support and would you like to know how other students with functional limitations or chronic diseases experience studying? The HU has a few support groups you can join.

Student Financial Support Fund

The HU provides financial assistance to students who have problems which cause study delays. Please read the Rules and Regulations for details.

Flexible Study

You can opt for flexible study at the HU. This will enable you to stagger your studies. You can slow down the pace or take on more or less, during a certain time. You must apply for Flex Study at the start of the Academic Year.


If you’d like to receive more support and learn from the experience of fellow students who are also studying with a disability or chronic illness, consider joining PowerPlatform.

The Utrecht and Amersfoort City Councils Offer Grants

Are you unable to work and study at the same time and do you have a good reason why this is not an option? Do you live in Utrecht? The Utrecht City Council can provide financial support in some cases. Check if this applies to you and register!

The grant is for students who are unable to work because of a mental or physical impairment or chronic disease. Many students combine work and study. If your impairment prevents you from making ends meet, then you possibly may qualify for a grant issued by the city council of your place of residence. For students living in Utrecht the amount was set for €200.- per month, as of 17 January 2019.

Check the conditions and how to apply here (in dutch). Are you living in Amersfoort? Go here (in dutch). Living somewhere else? Every Council has grants available, check the website of your place of residence.

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