ECHO Award nominee on the power of difference

ECHO Award nominee on the power of difference

The power of difference

Utrecht University of Applied Sciences has nominated Niusha Froozesh, Communications student, for the Echo Award HBO 2022, a prize for non-Western students who are committed to diversity and inclusion. Niusha emphasizes the power of difference: by telling stories we can bridge differences in culture and identity. “We can all learn a lot from each other.”

Non-western women
Niusha is committed to the position of single non-Western women. Women who are not privileged but who have great responsibilities. “They carry their family, their relatives, their children.” Still, some of them see an opportunity to study or start their own business. Often in combination with work or part-time jobs to support their families.

Change from the bottom up
She uses her network to support these women and calls on others to do the same. ‘If you listen to a woman for two minutes, you can link her to another.’ However, you cannot impose a change in their position from above, she believes. Most people are not able to quickly adjust their values ​​and norms. “I believe in bottom-up change, by sharing knowledge and experiences with each other.”

Stories bring out shared experiences. “As human beings, we all experience the same things, regardless of our cultural background. As a child in Iran I smelled the jasmine, you might smell a tulip, but the core of our experience is the same.’ Small events can serve as a metaphor for larger ones. Everyone had a favorite dish as a child, got hurt and walked with plasters for a week. “By telling stories, we grow closer and the fear of the unknown disappears.”

Bringing people together
Then the contrast between western and non-western becomes less sharp. ‘On King’s Day we are proud to be Dutch and I would prefer to keep that feeling all year round.’ However, the reality is that we often get involved in sharp discussions. In the Middle East, they say, “Food first, then politics. You can bring people together by eating together, telling stories and making music.”

Role of education
Education is also important in this regard. ‘Utrecht University of Applied Sciences fulfills an important social role. The university of applied sciences can facilitate students in their personal development by organizing conversations in which everyone is given the space to express themselves.’ Niusha contributes to this through the Diversity & Inclusion Network. She and her colleagues organize activities aimed at dialogue and a safe learning environment.

Network of Ambassadors
The nomination for the Echo Award offers her additional possibilities. Together with 33 other nominees, she will be a member of Echo’s ambassador network from August 28. ‘I am honored that as a non-Western woman, single mother and student I can sit down to share my story. In conversations we discover the mutual differences and the power that comes from them. Hopefully we will then grow together towards a more diverse and inclusive world.”

Do you know a non-Western student who has a heart for diversity and inclusion, then register them for the Echo Award HBO 2023 (via

Echo Award
Network Diversity & Inclusion


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