
PowerPlatform was established in December 2018. It provides services for all students at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, though its primary audience are students+ (students who require supplementary support or help). We are committed to the design and facilitation of inclusive education at the HU. We are active at both HU locations; Utrecht and Amersfoort.

PowerPlatform consists of a group of enthusiastic students from a wide variety of backgrounds. PowerPlatform is the sounding board for the HU when it comes to inclusive education and identifying bottlenecks within the current educational system. Our objective is to improve education, with the ultimate goal of establishing an educational system that is fully inclusive and where there are no more barriers to following the education one desires!

Our 4 main focal points are

  • Offering contact with fellow students+;
  • Providing solicited and unsolicited advice to the HU about studying+ and inclusive education;
  • Sharing tips and tricks about studying+;
  • Identifying bottlenecks pertinent to studying+ and inclusive education.

Anyone with affinity to the issues of studying+ and inclusive education is more than welcome at PowerPlatform. If you’d like to share your thoughts or experience and be part of the fight for inclusive education, please sign up by sending an email to PowerPlatform@hu.nl

What is the Powerplatform?

Goal: making the HU even better

PowerPlatform is primarily a group of students who want to work together to make the HU even better. Student members stay in contact by attending meetings and engaging in conversations via the app. This is how we keep up to date with various situations and share our thoughts about arriving at fitting solutions. PowerPlatform relies on the strengths and qualities of each student to help one another. This is because, often, one student’s difficulty turns out to have an easily solution in the eyes of another.

The board of PowerPlatform meets with the HU’s Executive Board twice a year. This is when they can present the current state of affairs and have the opportunity to propose possible points for improvement.

Information evenings

PowerPlatform members come together during information evening several times a year. During these events, speakers from the HU and other institutions talk about the various issues and possibilities for students+ at the HU. These events come highly recommended for students who are not yet familiar with the available options for students with a disability or impairment. Find out when the next information evening will take place by consulting PowerPlatform’s schedule.

Would you like to be a participant?

PowerPlatform is always looking for new members. So, if you’d like to help make the HU even better for students who require supplementary support or help, please sign up. You will then be invited to the meetings and the app group.

But you can always contact us, even if you don’t want to become a member of PowerPlatform at this point. PowerPlatform can answer your questions, think along with you and also enter into discussions with the Executive Board on your behalf.

If you’d like to share your thoughts with PowerPlatform, please send us an email. When doing so, please indicate whether or not you want to become a member of PowerPlatform so that we can include you in our members list and send you invitations to our meetings. In keeping with the GDPR legislation, we are required to explicitly request your permission before including you in our lists.

Management Powerplatform


My name is Mélisa (she/her) and I’m studying Nursing at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. I began sharing my experience of the accessibility of the buildings on campus from the very beginning of my studies. I was eager to discuss this in order to gain shared insight into what needed to be improved and to look for possible solutions. When asked to support the board of PowerPlatform, I saw this as a great opportunity and I eventually became a full member of the board. I am happy to commit myself towards improving the accessibility of education and accommodation at the various locations of the HU.

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