Englisch below
22 Maart om 17:00 organiseert Green Office HU & HU Oekraïne een bijeenkomst over Oekraïne en de vluchtelingen die naar Nederland zijn gekomen. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst kijken we samen naar de documentaire Belonging gemaakt door twee HU studenten, waarvan één zelf Oekraïens is.
‘’In this film, we want to dive deeper into what it means having to start over in a totally new place, especially when it wasn’t intended. This documentary will be for everyone who by choice or not by choice made a new place their home and sometimes still doesn’t know whether they actually belong there. We feel that it’s important to tell this story, as ‘belonging’ somewhere is important for everyone.’’
HUOekraïne: ‘Wij vinden het belangrijk dat de HU zich betrokken voelt bij de situatie in Oekraïne’. Doe jij dat ook? Achteraf is er ruimte om met elkaar in gesprek te gaan met een drankje en vegan snacks.
Inloop: 16:45-17:00, borrel start 17:00 in het Atrium op PL99
Locatie: Padualaan 99 de theaterzaal
Sign up here!
On the 22nd of March at 17:00, Green Office HU & HU Ukraine organized a gathering about Ukraine and the refugees who came to the Netherlands. During this gathering, there will be a screening of the documentary Belonging. This documentary was made by two HU students, one of which is Ukrainian herself.
“In this film, we want to dive deeper into what it means to start over in a new place, especially when it happens unplanned. This documentary will be for everyone who, either by choice or not, made a new place their home and sometimes still does not know whether they belong there. We feel that it is important to tell this story, as ‘Belonging’ somewhere is important for everyone.’’
HU Ukraine: “We think it is important that the HU feels concerned with the situation in Ukraine.” Are you? Afterwards, there will be space to talk with each other, accompanied by drinks and vegan snacks.
Walk-in: 16:45-17:00
Start at 17:00 in the Atrium at PL99
Location: Padualaan 99, The theaterzaal
Sign up here!
Bron: Green Office HU