Debating in English

English Honours Newsletter 2020 period B

Teamwork, argumentatie, actief luisteren, en spreekvaardigheid Engels.

Teamwork, argumentation, active listening and speaking skills.

…Do you want a little more self-confidence and gusto speaking before groups in English?

…Do you want to learn to argue and convince with a little attitude?

…Do you want to learn to undermine and expose flimsy arguments?

…Do you want to practice speaking passionately in a safe, low-risk environment?

…Do you want to learn rhetorical tactics to defend your arguments?

If so, sign up for the Honours course Debating in English today!

In six sessions you will learn how to argue effectively using verbal and nonverbal techniques and rhetorical strategies to formulate your standpoint convincingly.  In addition, you will learn how to assess the debating skills of others.  If possible, you will also act as a jury during a debate in a Dutch high school, and as the cherry on top you will show off your newly obtained skills during a earth-shattering final debate.

Email to join the course and with any questions.

Dinsdagen, 18.00-20.00, 6 – 7 avonden in period D met een slotdebat na toetsweek op dinsdag, 18.00-20.00, online als het niet op de HU kan.

Osiris code: OHON-DEBATENG-20

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