and breathe

Mindfulness (English)

Blok B | Friday 15:00 - 17:30

Do you want to experience what mindfulness can do for you? Both in your private life as well as for your professional development? Then join the 8-week mindfulness training. Mindfulness is about being more present with your experience in the moment. It’s about paying attention to what is now.

Maybe you are quite ‘mindful’ already, maybe not. How would you rate yourself on a scale of 0 to 10? No matter what your starting point is, you can develop mindfulness through practice. Being mindful is not the same as being relaxed. Being mindful is attentively observing what is going on in you (physical sensations, thoughts, feelings) and around you. At any moment you can decide to pay attention to what is. The next moment your attention may have wandered again. It doesn’t matter, because you can always start over. Some known benefits of being more mindful are more self-acceptance, enhanced relational qualities, more pro-activity and a decrease of depressive symptoms, anxiety, and stress.

The training consists of eight sessions. Each session will have a different theme with matching exercises. In the group there is room for explanation, practice and exchange of experiences. It is an experiential training, where you learn to apply mindfulness in your own life. You will get started at home with exercises and meditations which you will receive after each session. You are very welcome to join the training!

When: Fridays 15.00 to 17.30 hours (start November 15).

Would you like to join or more information? Send an email to

Enroll in Osiris

Osiris code: OHON-MINDFENG-24