magazine HUmmingbird

In 2022-2023 eleven Honours students produced an English-language magazine for international students with nonfiction articles, a poem, a logo, pictures, illustrations, and special features. In periods C and D, a new staff will make a second edition in close cooperation with the International Office. The goal is to create a magazine “by and for students” with news, events, and interviews for an audience of international students.

This Honours project may appeal to studentsfrom Journalism, Creative Business, English, and any other study who want to develop their talents for writing and English, or these competencies:
– Organisation
– Creativitity
– Team Work or Cooperation
– Leadership
– Professionality

Journalism teacher Marijke Kolk has agreed to offer a workshop on how to design a magazine.
Staff members in the writing team will write and create the bulk of the magazine, and a small editorial team will primarily work on seeking and judging a handful of submissions and designing the magazine.

If you want to be on the writing and/or editorial team, please write an email to

HUmmingbird 2023 5.pdf

Honours Project – magazine HUmmingbird


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