HU Literary Magazine: Call to submissions

HU Literary Magazine: Call to Submissions 

We are calling out to all students with artistic affinities to submit their work for the first Hogeschool Utrecht literary magazine.

Our aim with this (long overdue) magazine is to encourage and foster a community of writers, designers, and illustrators at the HU.

What we are looking for:

  • Fiction pieces (1,500 max)
  • Nonfiction pieces (1,500 max)
  • Journalistic pieces (1,500 max)
    • Business
    • Music, film & TV
    • Neighbourhood watch (e.g., local restaurants, events, etc)
    • Performing arts
    • Technology
    • Other
  • Poetry pieces
  • Illustrators (portfolio examples)
  • Designers (portfolio examples)

The deadline for all submissions is April 1st, 2023. You can send them to

Finally, we are looking for name suggestions for the magazine.

The magazine will (hopefully) outlast your uni career, and you will have made an essential contribution to it, imagine that!

The deadline for name suggestion submissions is February 10th, 2023. You can send them to

Are you intrigued by our efforts? You can already follow us on IG at @hu_ magazine to follow the coming-to-life of this exciting project.

Would you like to help us judge entries and create the magazine?  Please let our coach know by email at

Happy writing and happy holidays from the magazine editorial committee!