Want to play megacities? International simulation game

  • Megacities is an international simulation game hosted by our CARPE partner Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. The game will be played end Oct/begin Nov.
  • An older wealthy citizen has decided to give a 100 km2 abandoned area to three cities bordering the site. But on one condition: The three cities should use the space for projects, which benefit all of them equally.
  • All of the participating teams work as consultants for one of the three cities and has the task, together with local political representatives from their city, of developing a plan for the use of the space. This will become, thus, a cultural field of agency for all three of the bordering cities.
  • The task is to develop a trans-city adaptable concept that incorporates, on one hand, the interests of the cities and, on the other hand, persuades the donor of the land due to its holistic orientation.
  • Megacities has four game rounds.
  • Be open minded and adventurous!!!
  • Sign in by sending an e-mail before the 24th of September 2020 to Yildirim-Krannig@haw-hamburg.de and Marije.braun@hu.nl