Visit Honours students South Dakota University

Recently a group of Honours students from South Dakota University visited Hogeschool Utrecht to meet HU Honours students and to find out all about the Honours possibilities at Hogeschool Utrecht.

Here are some of the comments the students had about their experience with the HU students in Utrecht:

  • “It was awesome to talk about similar experiences with students from across the globe. That morning defiantly made my world smaller and gave me a different perspective on my higher education.”
  • “I personally loved the healthcare workshop I participated in. I thought the way the country overcame their shortage of doctors was so creative and I loved learning more about the specialties from the girls!”
  • “I really enjoyed getting to see the resources students at the university use every day! Comparing United States college systems to another country’s was the most intriguing.”
  • “Overall, I had a great experience with the university in Utrecht. I really enjoyed seeing their campus, meeting the students, and going to the stations.”
  • “I really liked the workshops and learning more about their areas of study, especially since they have some majors that aren’t even offered in the U.S.”
  • “I loved being able to see the clinic that the students get to work in throughout their programs. It was interesting to see how their health care programs compare to ours in the United States.”
  • “Visiting the university in Utrecht gave me a new perspective on how college can work. I loved getting to meet with other students and learn more about the Honors program there. I am excited to bring some of the things I learned at the university back to SDSU with me and attempt to implement them in my own education. This experience has also encouraged me to consider studying abroad outside of a group program such as this, as I thought it was very cool to meet students from other countries and cultures and learn more about their experiences.”
  • “I really enjoyed seeing the similarities and differences between their honors program and ours as well as the health field courses compared to those at SDSU.”