Waddenlab 2023 (sign up before Dec. 10)

Waddenlab 2023 15-21 July
Only limited spots available, sign-up before December 1st

What is the Waddenlab:

In the Waddenlab we investigate the Wadden Sea in multidisciplinary teams of honors students and teachers. We do this in the broadest sense of the word: what is the Wadden Sea, how do we see, hear, smell the Wadden, what happens in and under the water, on land, in the air? This year the key question will be “How do we keep the Wadden Sea healthy?”. This question is not easy to answer, when you know that the Wadden Sea is World Heritage area and that 2 of the 3 requirements set forth therein already contradict the 3rd requirement. So: what then is “healthy” when it comes to the Wadden Sea? It is a complex area, although at a quick glance it seems to consist mainly of water, islands and coast. We find fishing, bird areas, salt extraction, land reclamation, land erosion, shifting islands, sediment deposition, sensitive nature, gas extraction, pollution, tourism (not to be forgotten!), and probably much more, including ourselves of course (the Waddenlab!).

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