The minor offer for the 2025-2026 academic year is now online. As a HU student, you can choose from about 40 English taught minors at Hogeschool Utrecht. From minor courses that broaden your knowledge such as Mindful Communication and The State of the World to very specific courses that help you to explore a specific area, like Social Robotics and International Pharmaceutical Studies that allow you to really go into depth in your field. The filters can help you make a selection.
For HU-students: At the moment, you can only orientate yourself on the offer. To register for a HU minor, you must participate in the draw in March-April. You can read how this works here.
If you are interested in the Dutch taught minor courses, please visit the Dutch minorsite by changing the language of this website.
Are you a student from another educational institution (KOM student)? Most minors are accessible for KOM students, but please check for the exact minor range en the enrolment procedure the website of, a central platform where other colleges and universities offer their minor range.