Tools for study choice

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney

Are you wondering whether you have chosen the suitable Bachelor/AD? Are you considering a master? Before you research the many offered programs, it is advisable to invest some time and effort in self-analysis: awareness on your qualities, values and interests helps you make a suitable match with the offered programs, jobs and fields. The following exercises and tests can support you in specifying that awareness.

Learning goals
When you finished these exercises, you:

  • Know what interests, personal traits and qualities you have to make use of in study or work
  • Can make a better match between your personality and the offered programs, jobs and subject areas that appeal to you

Exercises for Bachelor, AD, Minor and Master

Successtory – Qualities defined
Who Am I – Personal Traits
Favorite Activities
Motives for choosing a Master
Motivation (for study and work) based on the vocational types of Holland
Translating personal knowledge to study and work

Links for Master choice

Where do I find Dutch and Foreign masters?
What websites are useful for networking, jobs, research institutions?


An interest test can support you in translating your interests into subjects and programs: in the Icares test based on your interests suitable studies are selected. Personality questionnaire  to get a description of your personality and how you prefer doing things (based on the MBTI)


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