Are you enrolled for a minor at HU and are you going to do something else? Then disenrol so that your spot on the minor can be given to another student.
Disenrolment for HU students
For minors taught in the CD period, disenrolment is possible up to and including 6 December 2024.
Has the disenrolment period expired?
Then take the following steps to arrange your disenrolment:
- Send an email to the minor contact person in which you state your reasons for not participating in the minor. The name and e-mail address of the minor contact person can be found at the minor information page about the minor.
- Send an email to stip@hu.nl in which you indicate that you want to disenrol for the minor. State your name, student number and the name of the minor in the email. The Study progress department will then disenrol you for the minor.
Disenrolment for students from other educational institutes
Are you enrolled via www.kiesopmaat.nl and has your learning agreement been signed by HU? Then disenrol in Studielink and at Kies op Maat (by canceling the learning agreement in My KOM).
Do you find out during the minor that you do not like the minor? Then, as a HU student, follow the disenrolment procedure as described under the heading ‘Has the disenrolment period expired? For students from other educational institutions the same procedure applies as if you disenrol before the start of your minor.