International Health Studies

Are you a Health Care student looking to broaden your horizons? Do you want to become an internationally trained health care professional? And are you keen to acquire intercultural skills? Then our International Health Studies (IHS) minor programme is for you! 


To enter the IHS minor programme, you have to: 

  1. Have the propaedeutic diploma.  
  2. Have to be an undergraduate student of:  
    • Nursing
    • BMH
    • MiZ 
    • Physiotherapy* 
    • Cesar Therapy 
    • Skin Therapy 
    • Dental Hygiene 
    • Optometry 
    • Orthoptics 
    • Speech Therapy 
    • Applied Pharmacology

* The numbers are fixed and connected to availability of internship places. 

All students have to find an internship or workplace themselves. The coordinator can help with this. The coordinator 

This minor is suitable for part-time students, although it will be a challenge to arrange it because all classes are on several weekdays.

The Examination Board determines which minors do not have a higher professional education level and/or have an unacceptable overlap with the compulsory curriculum of your own study programme. Check at the page Not allowed minor courses under your institute which minors are not allowed. This page will be updated from 29 February for the 2024-2025 minor offer. 


This intensive programme gives you a solid theoretical basis on the latest insights into intercultural health care provision, in which you will apply for a ten-week internship/project of your choice. The course will start with 6 weeks of lectures and workshops in Utrecht, then a 10-week learning/work experience abroad and a 4-week cooling down period in Utrecht.

You will have lectures, tutorials and assignments, and work on a portfolio, a personal development plan and a final report. You also give presentations to your fellow students, anchoring your learning experience.

Learning objectives

Learning outcomes of part 1: 

  1. You demonstrate cultural self-awareness including culturally-specific information and sociolinguistic awareness.  
  2. You have an in-depth deep understanding of overall knowledge of healthcare culture including culture-specific information and sociolinguistic awareness. 
  3. You evaluate your own competence and create a developmental plan for personal progress over time.  

Learning outcomes of part 2: 

  1. You behave and communicate effectively and appropriately (based on your intercultural knowledge, skills and attitudes) to achieve your goals during the internship.  
  2. You show in actual context, adaptability in communication and behaviour to a new cultural environment.  
  3. You are flexible in selecting and using appropriate communication styles and behaviours and show cognitive flexibility in actual context.  
  4. You are able to use an ethno-relative view in an intercultural situation.  


The programme takes place during one semester (two blocks) and consists of the following courses: 

Course Title Subject ECTS
Aware and Prepare Healthcare Systems and Culture 5
Theory and Plan of Approach 5
Personal Elements and Reflection 5
Home Sweet Home Services and Products 5
Theoretical and Professional Comparison 5
Logbook and Reflections 5

The IHS programme is offered in both the autumn and spring semester. 

The programme starts with a theoretical part, lasting six weeks. Afterwards, you will leave for your project or traineeship/work experience, for ten weeks or a minimum of 40 days. The programme finishes with a four-week theoretical part during which you reflect on your experiences.  

Because of the uncertainty concerning Corona-virus and doing your practice abroad, we will have to look at this option every year. We will discuss with students individually their plans and how to arrange this in a safe way.
Get in contact with the coordinator of the minor Edwin Hagenbeek. ( 


You will get several written assignments, make a portfolio and give presentations about different topics.  


The following literature will be discussed during the minor: 

  • Nunez, R. (2020) Intercultural Competence in health care. Embracing diversity in patient-centered careAssen; van Gorcum. 


This programme starts twice a year, in September and February. The class schedule is variable. It will be announced around August (Block AB) and January (Block C/D). All classes are on weekdays. There are also evening classes in this minor. 

For part-time students it is possible to participate in this minor, although it will be a challenge to arrange it because all classes are on several weekdays. We must discuss tailor-made possibilities for these students.

With the exception of the first teaching period of the academic year (starting September), the lesson and test schedules are always posted on Mijn Rooster four weeks before the start of each teaching period. The schedule for the first teaching period of the academic year can be found on the site three weeks before the start. The most up-to-date schedule is always visible on Mijn Rooster. 

Additional costs

Students can arrange placementships themselves. The costs of travelling and staying abroad, are not included in this minor. 

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