Come to the information activities to make a choice for a minor. Look here for more information.

Sports Management

Sports management is work for specialists. You deal with both professionals and volunteers within sports organizations, with training and coaching principles, sponsors, fans, passionate members and challenging market conditions. You have a passion for sport. If this sounds exciting to you, our minor Sports Management is for you!   

You need to have a flexible attitude and an open mind, as you’ll be working with lecturers and fellow students from many countries and cultures, giving you a truly international experience.   


There are no formal admission requirements, but you are expected to have attained English CEFR level B2. If you are unsure about your level, you can do a (free) written and spoken assessment. Contact the programme coordinator for more information. We expect a background or strong interest in the Sport Business.  This minor is not suitable for part-time students.  

The Examination Board determines which minors do not have a higher professional education level and/or have an unacceptable overlap with the compulsory curriculum of your own study programme. Check at the page Not allowed minor courses under your institute which minors are not allowed. This page will be updated from 21 February 2024 for the 2025-2026 minor offer. 


The sports industry is a growing market, and constantly on the move. Companies and events in the sport business are different due to the emotional involvement of participants and spectators, and the worldwide media attention.   

Our Sports Management minor programme gives you a broad insight into the many aspects of sports management, preparing you for a future tactical and strategic role within a sports organization and providing you with knowledge about the coherence between different disciplines. We look at the Dutch sports market, but also at international sports management and cultural differences – through an exchange project with an international partner institution.   

Learning objectives

  • Students have knowledge of the playing field of sports management. 
  • Students understand the role of the state and ethical aspects related to sport. 
  • Students can look at sports organisations from a strategic perspective. 
  • Students understand the power of communication of sport. 
  • Students have knowledge of operational and event management; managing the quality, performance and risk of sport. 
  • Students can plan and execute research independently and in groups at a sports organisation and use the results from research to write and present an improvement plan for the organisation. 


The programme consists of six courses, three per period. 

Title  ECTS 
Sports Management  5 
Sports Marketing  5 
Sports Psychology & Effort Physiology  5 
Sports Finance  5 
Starting your Own Sports Company  5 
Sports Management in International Perspective (mutual study trip abroad)  5 

Please note that the programme reflects a (logical) collection of courses/subjects and should be followed as such; it is not possible to combine (two or more) programmes in one single period. Also, by choosing this programme you are required to participate in all six courses.


Most learning outcomes are tested by assessments and practice-oriented assignments. Some courses are tested in writing.  


The business of Sport Management (Beech & Chadwick). 2nd edition 

You will receive a definite reading list before the start of the minor. 


This programme starts in September each year. There are contact moments on 3 days a week, in addition you’ll work on assignments individually or in groups. 

With the exception of the first teaching period of the academic year (starting September), the lesson and test schedules are always posted on Mijn Rooster four weeks before the start of each teaching period. The schedule for the first teaching period of the academic year can be found on the site three weeks before the start. The most up-to-date schedule is always visible on Mijn Rooster. 

At HU, full-time education may be scheduled between 08:30 and 19:00.

Additional costs

Around € 250,- for the exchange trip.

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