Personal leadership

What do previous participants say about this course?

The course has an average rating of 9.2 and many previous participants experience the course as life-changing. Thanks to Personal Leadership, they make more conscious choices, achieve their goals faster and get more done. They experience more balance and have more self-knowledge and gain more control over their own behavior and that of others.

The Personal Leadership Honors Course is offered twice a year for students who want to be (more) in the lead of their own professional and personal lives. Taking the lead starts directly with the way the course is taught: you work based on your own development goals and you are responsible for the process to realize them. Naturally, there is a program that serves as the basis of the course and you will receive guidance from both the other participants and the trainer. Your commitment and openness determine how much you will learn. So, this is not a course in which you “just do some assignments”, but in which you are challenged to really look at yourself and may be even transform yourself!

In groups of around 15 participants, you will use the book “The 7 Habits of Effective Leadership” by Stephen R. Covey to investigate the way you approach life and how this becomes visible in your actions and behavior. What do you stand for? And do you act accordingly? How do you deal with yourself and how do you deal with others? And how do you let others interact with you? You will not only look at yourself (inward) but also at others (outward). For example, what can you learn from the people around you who inspire you?

The course is completed with a master plan, showing your development during the course and how you will continue with personal leadership after the course. Completion of the course is rewarded with the Honours Star Leadership.

The course can be somewhat confrontational and sometimes a bit uncomfortable, but above all it is very informative and enriching. It requires you to commit yourself, to take responsibility, to open yourself up to the material and to the perspectives of the other participants and to give and receive feedback. You will receive activating assignments and also contribute to interactive meetings in which inspiration, humor and creativity play a major role.

The Personal Leadership sessions will take place on Tuesday evenings from 18.00 – 20.30 or 21.00 hours at Heidelberglaan 7. The sessions for term AB 24-25 are scheduled on: 17 and 24 September, 8 and 15 October, 5, 19 and 26 November, 10 and 17 December 2024  and 7 and 14 January 2025.

Prior to the start of the course, information sessions will be organized (attendance is conditional for participation):

  • Tuesday June 18, 18.00 -19.00 uur,  Heidelberglaan 7-0.023
  • Tuesday September 3, 18.00 -19.00 uur, Heidelberglaan 7-0.023
  • Tuesday September 10, 18.00 -19.00 uur, Heidelberglaan 7-0.023

Please register via:

If anything is unclear, please email to One of the trainers will contact you.

Note that the Honours course Personal Leadership is also available in Dutch.

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