I am a HU student and I want to participate in a HU minor

Do you want to participate in a minor at HU in academic year 2024-2025? From 15 until 22 March it is possible to enter your top 3 minor preferences in Osiris in order to participate in the draw. Participation will increase the possibility to get enrolled into a minor from your preference.

If you would like to know how the draw procedure works, please watch the video below. In the following steps you can read a more detailed explanation.

Step 1: First check whether you are allowed to follow the minor

Permission from your exam board

Before the draw and enrolment period, the HU examination boards determine whether there are any HU minors that are not allowed. You cannot register in Osiris for minors that are not allowed. The button below takes you to the overview of not allowed minors per institute.

The not allowed minors for the academic year 2024-2025 will be published on 29 February.

Permission from the minor

There are minors with admission requirements. Please check the information page of the minor, heading Admission.

Step 2: Enter your top three HU minors from 15 until 22 March in Osiris to participate in the draw

Every year it turns out that there is more interest in some minors than there are spots available. In order to give everyone a fair chance to be enrolled for the minor of their preference, a draw will be held in April. In 2024 the draw is on 11 April. The draw is for all starting moments (period AB (September-February), period CD (February-August) and the Lint variant (start September, entire academic year).

You can participate in the draw by entering your top three minors in Osiris from 15 until 22 March:

  • You can enter your top three all week;
  • There is no first come, first serve principle. This means that the draw for a HU minor is not based on the time at which the HU minor preferences are entered; the draw will be at random;
  • Entering only one HU minor preference does not increase the chance of being selected for this specific minor.

You can find your specified top three in Osiris under Enrol. You will also receive a confirmation email. Didn’t you get it? Here you will find an instruction to check whether everything has come through correctly. If you don’t see anything in Osiris, it didn’t work and you can try again until the last day it is possible to enter your top three.

HU’s policy is to draw as many students as possible for the minor of their first preference. In recent academic years, this has always been successful for about 95% of the students. But it may happen that your first preference is so popular that you are not drawn for it. You should therefore also indicate your second and third preference so that you have a much better chance of being selected for a minor that suits you. If you have only entered one or two preferences and you are drawn out, you will have to enrol yourself in Osiris as of the Monday after the draw for a minor where there are still places left.

Step 3: Check on 11 April your mail for the results of the draw

On 11 April you will receive an email with the name of the minor for which you have been drawn, and are also immediately enrolled. Your enrolment in this minor course will also be visible in Osiris, in the ‘Summary of enrolments’ tab.The minor contact person will inform you no later than two weeks before the start of your minor about, among other things, the precise start time of the minor and what else is expected of you.

Your chosen minor in period CD will not take place

Did you choose a minor course to be taught in period CD? There is a small risk of the minor being cancelled due to a low number of applications. If so, you will receive an email about this no later than the first week of July. We will ofcourse help you make a new choice.

Enrol or switch after the draw and/or enrolment term


Did you not participate in the draw?

In the following periods you can enrol in Osiris for a minor where there is still space. Full is full. The enrolment period is also the disenrolment period.

  • Period AB and Lint: 15 April, 2024 to 28 June, 2024
  • Period CD: 15 April, 2024 to 6 December, 2024

Please note: you can enrol for one minor for each academic year. If you are already enrolled for a minor for 2024-2025, you will first have to disenrol for that minor.

Do you want to enrol for a minor after the deadline?

Take the following steps to arrange your enrolment:

  1. Ask the minor contact person for permission. Send her/him an email in which you motivate why you want to participate in the minor course. You can find the name and emailadres from the minor contact person at the minor information page on this site under HU Minor courses.
    Remark for students International Business: they also have to ask their examboard for permission, besides asking the minor contact person. Asking permission goes via HUKAS by submitting a request.
  2. Do you get permission (or do you already have this)? Send an email to studievoortgang@hu.nl. Include the following information in the email: your name, your student number and minor course title of your choice. Don’t forget to include the mail with permission from the minor contact person. Without this, you will not be enrolled!
    Remark for students International Business: they also need to add the permission from their exam board to this email.
  3. The study progress department (Studievoortgang) will enrol you in the minor course. You can see your enrolment after a while in your study progress survey in Osiris. If you are not enrolled, you are not secured of a spot!

Switching minors

If on second thoughts, you aren’t happy with your choice of minor course, you can modify your enrolment until the deadline (AB and Lint: 28 June 2024, CD: 6 December 2024). First, cancel your current enrolment and then enrol in another minor course. But please note: it may be that minor course that you would rather take instead will not have any places available anymore by then!

Do you want to switch between minor courses after the deadline?

Switching minor courses is only possible up to and including the first week of education after the start of the minor course. Take the following steps:

  1. Ask the minor contact person from the minor you want to switch to for permission. Send her/him/them an email in which you motivate why you want to participate in the minor course, and ask them if they want to give your permission per email. You can find the name and emailadres from the minor contact person on the minor information page at this site under HU Minor courses.
    Remark for students International Business: they also have to ask their examboard for permission, besides asking the minor contact person. Asking permission goes via HUKAS by submitting a request.
  2. Do you get permission (or do you already have this)? Send an email to studievoortgang@hu.nl. Include the following information in the email: your name, your student number and the titles of the minor courses you want to switch between. Don’t forget to include the email with permission from the minor contact person. Without this, you will not be enrolled!
    Remark for students International Business: they also need to add the permission from their exam board to the email.
  3. The study progress department (Studievoortgang) will enrol you in the new minor course of your choice, and disenrol you from the minor course you don’t want to particpate in anymore. You can see your enrolment after a while in your study progress survey in Osiris. If you are not enrolled, you are not secured of a spot.
  4. Send an email to the minor contact person from the minor course you are disenrolled for that you will not participate and why.

Other information

Exams and resits

When you are enrolled for a minor course in Osiris, then you are also enrolled for the courses and first exam opportunities of the courses that belong to the minor. Do you need a resit? Then you have to enrol for the resit yourself in Osiris. This also applies if you can not complete the minor course in one academic year: you only enrol for the test component that you have to resit, and not for the entire course and/or minor course.

More information about (de)enrolment for exams you can find in HU Wegwijs.

Taking an extra minor course

Are you considering taking an extra minor course at HU after completing your profile section? Then you need permission from your study programme. Send an email to minors@hu.nl explaining your motivation for taking an extra minor. This is possible from 15 April to two weeks prior to the start of the minor course. Be aware that the possibilities to take an extra minor course are often limited because the registrations of students who are going to do their first minor course take precedence over your registration. You will receive a decision whether or not you can participate no later than two weeks after receiving your email. It is not allowed to register yourself in Osiris to participate in an extra minor.

The ECs you obtain with the extra minor course do not count towards the compulsory 240 ECs for the Bachelor’s degree. You must also remain enrolled in your study program in order to be able to follow the minor course education (without enrolment in the study program you are not entitled to education).

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