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Globalizing Business

With globalization on the rise, organizations require individuals not just to understand its implications but also possess the tools to handle it in a business context. This program focuses on exploring opportunities and risks in the international business landscape. Students take on the role of aspiring consultants, guiding businesses in crafting successful international strategies, identifying opportunities, and entering new markets. The minor is designed to equip you as an entrepreneur, business developer, or consultant, capable of formulating effective business strategies globally. Throughout the program, you will cultivate skills in managing innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. 


To join this program, all you need is an interest in business and management, a curious attitude, and a willingness to engage with diverse cultures while collaborating in learning teams. The Globalizing Business minor program welcomes both business and non-business students. You cannot participate in this minor program as a part-time student or as a flex student. 

The Examination Board determines which minors do not have a higher professional education level and/or have an unacceptable overlap with the compulsory curriculum of your own study programme. Check at the page Not allowed minor courses under your institute which minors are not allowed. This page will be updated from 21 February for the 2025-2026 minor offer. 


Globalizing Business explores the integration of diverse markets and the evolving organizational landscape. In this minor, we delve into fostering business innovation, social responsibility, and identifying opportunities for internationalization in a globalized world. 

At the heart of this program is the European Union-funded project INTENSE (International Entrepreneurship Skills Europe), concentrating on the internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). As a participant, you will assume the role of a consultant, providing practical business advice on European internationalization. This collaborative project involves student teams from partner universities in Finland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Croatia, and France. Completing this minor establishes your theoretical foundation and equips you with the skills and mindset for success in international business and collaborative teams. 

The minor finishes with an International Week with visiting students and guest lecturers from India and Indonesia. You will play an International Business Simulation game with these visitors. 

Learning objectives

This minor addresses a large variety of learning objectives, at levels 2 and 3:  

  • Consultancy skills level 2  
  • International Business knowledge level 3  
  • Project Management skills level 2  
  • Change and Innovation Management Skills level 2  
  • Communication Skills level 3  
  • Sustainable business management knowledge level 3  
  • Professional attitude level 2  


The programme consists of the following courses: 

Title  ECTS 
Consultancy  5 
Managing Change and Innovation  5 
Topics in International Business  5 
Business in Society  5 
Global Management Project  10 


You will be assessed through: 

  • Professional portfolio 
  • Reports 
  • Presentations (traditional, pitch style, poster and role play) 
  • Collaboration with the professional field for the project. 


  • Mintzberg, H. (2013). Simply Managing What Managers Do – and Can Do Better. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  
  • Daft, R., Murphy J. &, Willmott, H. (2020). Organization Theory & Design: An International Perspective, 4th Edition. Cengage  
  • Raworth, K. (2017). Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. Random House UK. 
  • Anderson, C. (2018), TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. John Murray Press  
  • Ghemawat, P. (2007). Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders in a World where Differences Still Matter. Harvard Business Press.  
  • Hamidizadeh, M. R., & Zargaranyazd, M. (2014). Analyzing International Readiness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Central European Business Review, 3(4), 43.  
  • Meyer, K., & Peng, M. W. (2016). International business. Cengage Learning.  
  • Nidumolu, R., Prahalad, C. K., & Rangaswami, M. R. (2009). Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver of Innovation. (cover Story). Harvard Business Review, 87(9), 56–64.  
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. (2010). Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.  
  • Stroh, L.K. & Johnson H. H. (2006): The Basic Principles of Effective Consulting. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers: London  
  • Vangen, S., & Huxham, C. (2003). Nurturing Collaborative Relations: Building Trust in Interorganizational Collaboration. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 39(1), 5–31. 
  • Lewicki, R. (2022). Essentials of Negotiation 5th (fifth) edition.  
  • Why are transferable skills so important? (n.d.). Michael Page. 


The teaching days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (after 10.00 hrs). They could be subject to change.

With the exception of the first teaching period of the academic year (starting September), the lesson and test schedules are always posted on Mijn Rooster four weeks before the start of each teaching period. The schedule for the first teaching period of the academic year can be found on the site three weeks before the start. The most up-to-date schedule is always visible on Mijn Rooster. 

At HU, full-time education may be scheduled between 08:30 and 19:00.

Additional costs

All reading material will be provided. No additional costs are required. 


This minor course is marked by the Green Office as a sustainable minor. This means that by participating in this minor course, you can contribute to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals from the UN.


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