The tools

What tool are available?

The House for sustainable education and the Self-scan for sustainable education are two instruments that have been developed to stimulate the conversation about sustainability in the study programme.

The Self-scan for sustainable education is suitable as a starting point for the conversation about sustainability in the study programme. It makes the team especially aware of where there is still work to be done in the training. The self-scan is only about the education, and not about external factors. The conversation following the self-scan can provide input for formulating sustainable ambitions for the programme, which can be incorporated into the management plan.
The House for sustainable education contains an extensive educational development tool with which you can actually get started with sustainability in the programme, and offers good practices and opportunities for deepening. The HUis for sustainable education is about the study programme and the external factors that influence it: there is a systemic approach. It is an extensive educational development tool that provides sufficient nutrition for several sessions in the programme in various sub-teams. Do you want to know which tool is best to use? Take a look at the flow chart below, or get advice from the core team transition to sustainable education.

Available support

 “In 2028 dragen alle opleidingen van de HU met hun beleid en in hun curriculum merkbaar en meetbaar bij aan duurzaamheid, zodat zij studenten opleiden die werken aan het realiseren van de SDGs op professioneel en op persoonlijk vlak.”

Om de ambitieuze doelstellingen van de HU voor de transitie naar duurzaam onderwijs te kunnen waarmaken, ondersteunt het HU-brede kernteam Transitie Duurzaam Onderwijs (TDO) de instituten daarbij. Daartoe is in elke sector een hogeschoolhoofddocent (HHD’er) aangesteld met de opdracht de transitie richting duurzaam onderwijs te stimuleren. Verder bestaat het kernteam TDO onder meer uit vertegenwoordigers van de HU Green Office (voor studenten), het team Duurzaam Doen en de SDG Community HU Samen Duurzaam (voor medewerkers).  

Het kernteam biedt aan om: 

  • de portefeuillehouder duurzaam onderwijs van de opleiding te ondersteunen bij het toepassen van de tools door het organiseren van bijeenkomsten en het geven van train-de-trainer workshops
  • een community van portefeuillehouders te faciliteren
  • De portefeuillehouder te helpen het strategisch gesprek aan te gaan over hoe duurzaamheid in te bedden in de opleiding 

Physical toolkit House for sustainable education


The physical toolkit is the HUis for sustainable education in the form of a box with cardboard elements, pawns, a stone paper canvas and question cards. It is a powerful conversation tool to make the transition to sustainable education in education teams.

The toolkit contains a manual to get started with sustainable education in different game rounds.


In a first round, you use the canvas to make a quick scan of how sustainability is currently interwoven in the programme.
In round two, you will discuss the state of affairs with each other, and you will discuss the HUis together. You use the sustainability label for this.
In round three, you will examine how the SDGs are interwoven in education.
Then, with the help of question cards, you can get started with the parts of the HUis that require the most attention, by means of questions and examples. You can also add your own questions and examples.



Digital Tools

The digital tool for the Self-Scan Sustainable Education can be found on this page.

The digital tool for the HUis for Sustainable Education is still *under construction*