Internship Professional Development

Evaluation Forms

There are two types of evaluation form for Professional Development.

  1. The first is the Internship Evaluation Form. This form is completed at the end of each Professional Development module by your internship mentor. The evaluation form shows that you have met the basic requirements (such as days at the school and lessons taught) in order to be assessed. The A module evaluation form provides development advice which should guide your learning questions and focus for the following B module. The B module evaluation form also includes a grade from your mentor about your performance during the entire internship. This grade must be a pass for the module to be successfully completed.
  2. The second is the Learning Process Evaluation Form. This form contains the rubric which your supervisor will use to assess your PD Internship Learning Report (or Presentation) in which you demonstrate what knowledge you have gained and skills you have developed during your last internship module.

Internship Evaluation Forms (for completion by the internship mentor)

The following evaluation forms must be completed by your internship mentor at the end of each Professional Development module (cohorts 2021 and earlier) or Pedagogical Practice module (cohort 2022) and uploaded to OnStage as one of your final products.

NOTE: There are no internship evaluation forms for PD1A or Methodological Practice A since both full-time and part-time Teacher Education students begin their internship in PD1B / Pedagogical Practice.

Internship Evaluation Form PD1B_FT_2023-2024 (full-time)

Internship Evaluation Form PD1B_PT_2023-2024 (part-time)

Internship Evaluation Form PD2A_FT_PT_2023-2024

Internship Evaluation Form PD2B_FT_PT_2023-2024

Internship Evaluation Form PD3A_FT_PT_2023-2024

Internship Evaluation Form PD3B_FT_PT_2023-2024

Internship Evaluation Form PD4A_FT_PT_2023-2024_Learning Outcomes

Internship Evaluation Form PD4A_FT_PT_2023-2024_SBL competencies

Internship Evaluation Form PD4B_FT_PT_2023-2024_Learning Outcomes

Internship Evaluation Form PD4B_FT_PT_2023-2024_SBL competencies

Learning Process Evaluation Forms (for completion by the internship supervisor)

Self-Analysis Forms

To complete each PD B-module internship, students should have achieved the level of competence required for their level of experience in preparation to commence the next level. Students should use the self-analysis forms to familiarise themselves with the level of competence expected of them at the end of the year, and to identify key points of development to focus on with the learning questions/objectives.

Self-Analysis based on Learning Outcomes – Year 1, Level 1

Self-Analysis based on Learning Outcomes_Level_2_Year_2

Self-Analysis based on Learning Outcomes_Level_2_Year_3

Self-Analysis based on Learning Outcomes_Level_3_Year_4

Self-analysis based on old SBL teaching competencies Year 4 level